Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A great time with my loved ones

Our Chinese New Year long weekend was simple..we stayed home..but we had a great was just relaxing and fun spending quality time with the loved ones. At first, we wanted to go somewhere out of town but the hotels were all fully booked..and it dawned upon me, why would we want to go where everybody wants to go..crowded places is not the type of place I would want right now. So want we did was had fun in our own hotel..we cooked, well, actually my husband cooked, we went to watch a movie, played Uno, watched tv..the Australian Open is on...went out for me, it was perfect. My kids loved it and my hubby enjoyed being at home..a well deserved break...especially now, with the economic crisis going on..we need to think of activities that doesn't involved a lot of money..but I still want to go to Bali...


Unknown said...

I like spending time at home too..dulu2 masa ada anak sorang je, masa dia baby, weekend asik le angkut dia pegi shopping mall and more malls! Tak reti masa tu! Now, we bring them to parks, or let them cycle around the neighbourhood (with my husband escorting them), tolong2 gardening :)

1309 said...

Hi there..nice to "meet" you..been reading your blogs..tabik!!!anak empat and still boleh buat bisnes..
tu la, we used to go to malls almost every weekend sampai now my son pun nak malas nak ikut kalau we go to the malls. Now he likes to go to the park to ride his bike but I'll let my hubby bring him coz kekadang kalau i bawak, maid2 yang ada kat situ ingatkan I ni maid and datang nak borak2...:)

Unknown said...

Hee hee thank you!! Anak empat + home biz = pening jugak lah! Nasib baik hubby baik & supportive & tak banyak kerenah hee hee..
Trying and always trying to be better in juggling all that I have to juggle..
Oooo mana2 playground mesti ramai maid "meeting" kan. Mine doesnt go out like that, kat depan2 rumah lah I still have a toddler and a baby so kalau dia nak jugak keluar2 dah lebih laa tuu...