This morning, I was reading yesterday's newspaper (yep, was terribly busy yesterday..no time for morning papers) and something caught my eyes..it was a commentary on books and the name of the writer was familiar..wait a minute..it's ME!!!!!!!!!! I was sssoooo happy...to me my dream of becoming a writer has moved an inch (or maybe only half inch) closer. I write a short article on the paper's web blog a few weeks ago and it was selected to feature in the 'real' newspaper..maybe other people would see this as trivial but to me, it is an accomplishment to be proud of. And really boost my spirit to pursue writing and that is what I am doing now. Usually I would drag myself to blog because I don't think I would ever make it as a writer (who gets paid a lot, of course!). But today, my self esteem has risen a level higher...maybe it is just a small step but a step nonetheless. I should give myself a pat on the back..patting my back now...
Hi, sorry, haven't got your email - could you please drop me a note? Ta :-)
Which paper..??? I nak baca!!
Ye la miss your posts...but I DO understand how hectic a SAHM is. I'm also like that whaaatt :)
nice blogging...:)
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