This morning, as I was waiting for my kids to get into their classrooms, two moms came over with theirs kids. One girl, named, Natasha, is a very cheerful and sweet girl, immediately greeted my daughter, her classmate, good morning. She is always happy and smiling. And another girl, named, Zara, was complaining about something to her mom, with a unhappy face. The thing is this doesn't happen only today. Almost every morning, the scenario is the same. From my observation (yep...I kill time by analyzing people..it's fun some time)..Natasha's mom is the very cheerful type while Zara's mom is always frowning..I guess the kids pick up the mood from their mothers...or in general, their surroundings...I think it is important to have a positive vibe around your kids, they have this sixth sense if anything is wrong. Sometimes, when I had fights with my hubby, my kids would sense something and immediately they would behave extra nice because they know mommy was not in a good mood...It is not easy sometimes to be positive ALL the time but as parents, it is our responsibility...and someone told me that NEVER fight in front of the kids. So as I was boiling inside, wanting to scream at my husband, I just have to put on a smiling face in front of the kids and be patient..good practice actually to keep yourself calm. Who said being a parent is easy..it's a huge responsibility but it's also an even bigger joy!!!!!